Faith Based, Community Focused (FBCF)

Each week I leave my place of worship and ask what was learned and am I following it. Most of the time I would say no, but I make adjustments after my weekly recharge. I wish to offer at least weekly insights to others. Anyone can regurgitate medical information, but can anyone create further insight into the why we do what we do? My FBCF postings will always be short to provoke thought and conversation amongst your friends/co-workers.

Why Choose Us?

1- We have clients that have been with us for over 20 years

2- Fun and Relaxed Classes

3- On-Site Training at No Extra Charge

4- Experienced Instructors in Emergency Services

5- Flexible Scheduling including overnight

6- American Heart Association Classes

7- Public Classes that are Great for Individuals

8- Hands on CPR and AED Classes

What our friends are saying